Wednesday, November 15, 2006

proposal on the first move


Topic : Traditional Malay Wedding

Factors :

a) Being Malays ourselves, we get to learn more about our culture and the main reason we chose this topic for our Interactive Application is to not forget our roots and therefore maintain this ethnic ceremony for many many years to come.

b) Audience will get to see how the Traditional Malay Wedding’s are like and how different they are compared to weddings of other race’s.

c) Audience will learn more about Malay wedding, the bridal costumes, wedding music (kompang, serunai etc), gifts from the bridegroom’s entourage to the bride’s family and vice-versa, the big feast-(home-cooked food), the gift of appreciation for the guests and many more.

Age Target/Audience

- For adults-aged 20 and above.

Specifically for adults who want to learn more about our culture, for foreigners-to know about our unique culture and beliefs, and also for those who plan to get married and wish to do a Traditional Malay Wedding.


- This interactive application is done for education purposes. We want to make this website as interesting as possible so that people can browse through our website and learn about Malaysian Culture.

Information Gathering

- Browse through internet to get more source and information on weddings

- Visit National Library to get books on Traditional wedding

- If possible, to attend a wedding ceremony and take photographs.

Sections/ Links

a) About us

- A brief info about our group and all about our ideas and so on.

b) History

- To brief about how weddings were many years ago.

a) The main ceremonies

-The first group of activities, all of which precede the actual wedding ceremony, consist of

(a) the investigation (merisik),

(b) the engagement or approach to formalise the arrangement (meminang),

(c) the hantaran or the sending of gifts and part of the amount of money (wang belanja) for expenses which the boy’s family give to the girl’s side that will be incurred by the girl’s family. The wang belanja is usually an amount of several thousand ringgit. It is different from the dowry (mas kahwin) which is also paid by the man to his future wife. The amount of the mas kahwin is usually fixed by the Islamic Religious Council in each state, but a potential bridegroom may give any amount above the official figure.

The second group of activities consists of the actual marriage ceremony (akad nikah) and berinai, while the third group of activities consists of berarak or arriving in procession, sitting on a decorated dias ( bersanding and the welcoming of the married couple to the bride’s house (sambut menantu).

c) Bridal Clothing

- Songket, Tengkolok

d) Wedding Music

- Kompang, Serunai

e) Bunga Telur & wedding equipments

- gift of appreciation for the guests

f) The big feast

- Neighbours and friends help to cook food to be served to guests.

g) Interactive link


The application must be a little bit fancy not like those boring and dull website we used to see when they come to such topic which is dry and not interesting to modern age people. So we are going to create something sleek and classy, with interaction that is smooth and stylish not to forget user friendly. Pop ups or sliding gallery for pictures. Handsome tabs for the links and as simple but yet interactive. Slow traditional music for the background music. And games for the ultimate interactive application links.


- Noa is very good in illustrations, therefore we’ll keep him in charge of the graphics used in the interactive application

- Nazri will be the layout designer

- Nadia will be the one finding information for the interactive application.

Expected Difficulties

Expected difficulties that we will encounter is the problem of syncing the theme with modern interactivity. To make such topic interesting to modern people as our traditional heritage on these days are neglected. The interactivity links however is much more bigger case as to make something that is fully interactive using director ONLY which is not our specialties on this earlier stage.

neddy, nazry and noa

- Fin -

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